Happy Spring! It may not feel like spring out there but it is coming.
Lift your weary winter spirits with this workshop. If you are sick of diets that don’t work, if you are tired of not knowing what or how or when to eat, if you want peace with food and body, come to this relaxing day. We’ll do some gentle movement to help us get in touch with these bodies we live in. We’ll talk, maybe write a little, settle in with discussion and questions and answers. We’ll use material from my book FOOD FIX: ANCIENT NOURISHMENT FOR MODERN HUNGERS.
Healing your Relationship with Food -April 26
Sue Lebel Young 11-3 pm $60 ($50 in advance)
We hope to see you in the studio soon.
The Yoga Center
449 Forest Ave. Plaza
449 Forest Ave. Plaza
PO Box 1243
Portland, Maine 04104